Saturday 15 March 2014

Exciting Times!

Basildon Park

     It's funny how sometimes the best things in life happen by pure chance. That is how this chapter of my life has started. 

    My name is Craig, and up until last week, I was working in a local call centre for the a multi national advertising company. My job role was selling advertising to businesses all over the country in to the many print publications and websites that the company own. It wasn't my ideal career choice; although I was thankful for having any job at all, of course, as there are many less fortunate than myself. Having just graduated from university in the summer of 2013 with a 2:1 BA in Chinese Studies, I didn't exactly see myself working in a call centre a few years down the line. Something had to be done, and soon. I was dreading work each day, and if it wasn't for the amazing people who I met whilst working there, I probably would have packed it in a lot sooner. My main fear was that I would fall in to a patten of coming home from the office each day and feeling so worn down and miserable by it all that I would just say to myself "I'll look for something new tomorrow". Before I knew it, a couple of years would have passed and I would still be saying to myself "I'll look for something new tomorrow"

     Then, one night, I decided to sit down at the laptop and do a quick search on the Internet for museum jobs. It started as a general job search, but as my dream job would be to work in a museum, or similar institution, I decided to target the search at that. It was a start, right? Then I came across a vacancy for an internship with the National Trust at Basildon Park. I must admit at this point that I had never heard of Basildon Park, but after a quick read through the role that was required and the skills I would learn, I was extremely keen to apply. Then, a moment of panic as I realised that the deadline for application was midnight that same evening, and it was already 11:35pm. 

     Now, at this moment, it might be worth nothing that I *almost* didn't apply. I thought, "I'm never going to have time to fill in the application form properly, and I'm sure something else similar will come up soon". Then, at that moment, I had a notification on my phone to say I had an email in my work inbox. I checked it out to see it was a complaint from a customer who I had been dealing with a few days prior. That sense of dread of going in to the office the next day came rushing back to me and I thought, "Bugga this, I'm going to give it a go!". So that's what I did. I filled it in, and when it came to the 'essay' of a question about why I wanted the role, I just wrote it straight from my head and heart and on to the form. I didn't proof read, I didn't edit, I didn't spell check. It was 11:56pm when I clicked on send. And so that was that. I didn't think anything of it.

     About 3 weeks later I was sat in work and my phone rang. It was a number I didn't recognise, and so I normally don't answer. This time, just as I was about to press "Ignore" on my phone, I realised it might be a response to my application, so I went outside the room just in time to answer it. It was Emma at Basildon Park inviting me for an interview. I was over the moon!

     My interview came in January, and so came my first visit to Basildon Park. I just fell in love with the place, almost instantly. The interview was so relaxed and calm, and I was made to feel so at ease. I think that really helped me, as before I went in, I was so intimidated by the size and stature of the property that I was worried I would just come out with a load of jibberish. 

     Anyway, to cut a long story short, I went home on the train the following day and 3 days later I received a call similar to the last one, again whilst in work. I don't think I've ever been so nervous answering the phone. This was not only the chance I needed to get out of a job that was making me so unhappy, but also a chance to open new doors and head down the path towards my dream career. I remember being really calm and collected when I was told that I was being offered a place on the internship scheme as a Conservation Assistant. It didn't sink in until the end of the day, when I was on the bus home at the end of my shift thinking, "I'm actually doing this, I'm actually being given a chance. An opportunity to do what I have always wanted to do".

     And so, as of last week, I have left that multi national advertising company, and am about to start my 3 month internship as a Conservation Assistant with the National Trust at Basildon Park. 

     This is my blog about my time there and an account of what I have learned. It's more for myself as a reflection of my moods, thoughts, feelings etc about my time there. However, I hoped that it might be useful to anyone else working in another call centre job (or any other job, for that matter!) who also wants badly to get out and do what they want to do. And to them, I say "Do it. Don't put it off. Don't make excuses. Just do it." After all, you've got nothing to lose, and a lot to gain!

I look forward to keeping track of my progress here,

Best wishes,

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